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Club Business

Conference Call Board Meeting Minutes7/29/2018 8:00PM

In Attendance: Rick Kilgore, Kim Kilgore, Dan young, Mark Newby & Roy Smith(Note: Mike deOliveira was available but could not log-in to the phone system due to unknown technical difficulties. In his absence I am writing these minutes. Roy Smith)

The board voted and approved moving our young bird show this year to Mike Rogers’ home in Muncie. It will be held on September 22nd .The board voted and approved moving our winter show from Hartford City to the Hancock County Fairgrounds in Greenfield. This will be held on February 16th, 2019.

The board voted and approved the newly revised bylaws and constitution with the understanding that Roy Smith wanted to discuss a few items with the secretary, Mike deOliveira. Any changes that arise from that conversation will be distributed to the board via email and voted on. We also wanted to add the limitation that a person must be a member for a minimum of one year in order to hold an office.

We discussed adding either the president position or the secretary position to the upcoming new bank account. It was decided that the president is the best choice for us to be a sort of emergency contact for the bank account and have access to the account as a back-up. We could get 2 debit cards for the account and the secretary could use the president’s debit card if needed for the sake of convenience during show season.

Rick advised that he had recently inspected the club’s trailers up at Hartford City and they were not in as bad of a shape as we feared but definitely need work. At the very least they will need new tires but possibly some work to axles or bearings. Hopefully they are not seized up. Rick intends to get them moved to his house and then work on them. Worst case scenario, we have to pay $150 to move them to his house. We should also go through our cages and boards and trash any that are beyond their usefulness. We might be able to condense things down to one trailer. Roy Smith currently has the titles to the trailers.

As the new treasurer, Roy Smith picked up the club money from Dan Young today. It is $2317 in cash. That is somewhat more than expected based on the last treasury report but it’s a positive increase so we’re happy with it. Roy and Rick will set up a new bank account for the club ASAP. We will also need to set up a new PayPal account after we have a new bank account.

It was discussed whether the newsletter editor should be added to the by-laws as a position/officer in the club. It was decided that it should not. The position is too dependent on having an individual willing to do it and it’s not an elected position therefore it is not technically an officer/board member position.

The board decided that we would not spend the money this year to advertise our winter show in the Louisville young bird show catalog. They asked us late and we’re up against the deadline so we’ll skip it this year and probably advertise in the Des Moines show catalog instead.

It was discussed that we want to advertise and promote the club more in the future with the intent of increasing awareness of our club and adding new members. Items discussed were pamphlets being distributed at 4H fairs, possibly trying to get pigeons back at the state fair and a new banner for the club.

We discussed possibly offering a discount for members that enter birds in our winter show but we decided that would cut into our profits too much. We’ll continue to think of different things to try.

It was agreed that the current club officers are installed until elections in February 2020.

We do not have any other club meetings planned this year other than the young bird show. We can ask the members there if they would be interested in having club meetings more often.

Meeting adjourned at approx. 9:30PM

2017 Club Meeting Information

May 6th 2017 Meeting

We thank Rick and Kim Kilgore for graciously hosting the meeting at their home in New Castle!

In attendance:

President Rick Kilgore

Vice President Dan Young

Secretary Treasurer Tracy Benson

Publicity Director Mark Newby

Website Administrator Mike deOliveira (Mike D)

Members: Mike Rogers, Kim Kilgore, Cindy Persil, Roy Smith (new member)

Meeting called to order by Vice President Dan Young at 1:20pm.

President Rick Kilgore was unable to start the meeting due to conflict with work schedule but was in attendance.

Old Business

Secretary Treasurer Tracy Benson gave the Annual Financial Report. Please see the posted Financial Report in the Members Only section of the Club Website for full details on the club finances.

Motion was made to post the Winter Show Reports to the Information page of the Club Website. Mike D will make the change requested as soon as possible.

The yearly cost for the Website Domain Name and the Wix hosting site were briefly discussed and Mike D will see if there is any cost savings to be had by moving to a longer term contract for both.

New Business

Club Website

Mike D gave a brief overview of the Website usage rate and Dan Young and Mark Newby spoke on the very good growth of followers of the IPC Facebook Page. Both Mark and Dan are going to be very active in 4-H Judging this year so it was suggested that the dates and locations of the events they will be judging be sent to Mike D for posting on the Website and to Dan for Facebook to get the word out to more people and get more exposure for the IPC.

Annual Show Month and Date

A long discussion was held regarding the Winter Show being held in Feb vs. November. There were several comments by breeders and visitors at the February show questioning why the show was moved from November to February. Many comments have been made for and against the moving of the show date and some people who were once in favor of the date change have changed their minds and expressing November was better. The Members in attendance agreed to make a vote on the next Winter Show date at the upcoming Club Meeting to be held at the Marion County Fair Grounds Pigeon Show on June 25th. At this meeting we will vote to either keep the date in February or Move to a date in November, which will be dependent on availability of the building at the Blackford Country Fairgrounds in Hartford City. Much discussion also was made with regards to making the show date in November a weekend other than the weekend of Thanksgiving, for consideration to those who could have family commitments. A proposal was made to have it the weekend before Thanksgiving as an option. This again will be dependent on availability of the show site. These options will be reviewed and discussed at the June 25th meeting so it is important that all members attend to make the voice and vote heard.

IPC Constitution Amendments

Discussion on the revisions to the IPC Constitution was held. A motion was made by Mike Rogers to include amendment wording to protect the club assets in the event that the club were to dissolve. The amendment would state that the clubs assets, primarily cages and trailers but any and all club assets, would be sold and the proceeds donated to an accredited non-for-profit charity and is not to be distributed between the surviving club members. The motion was passed and the Constitution will be amended to include that language. Dan Young asked for a yes/no vote by all in attendance to accept the remaining Constitution revisions as written. This vote passed, so the Constitution once amended as stated above will be posted as the new IPC Constitution.

Show cages, bases and boxes

Some discussion was made regarding the making of new bases for show pens. The current bases and many of the cage boxes are damaged or broken and no longer usable. Mike Rogers stated that he has many new bases cut however they do not have the edge strips attached to them. Discussion was made as to if the bases should be left without edges now that the club is using paper over the bases to keep the bases clean and help with possible contamination problems. Also discussion on if the club should modify the cage trailers to not require boxes for holding and storing the cages but rather have a system where cages can be stacked and held in place with a barrier system. These changes would allow for the bases to be used to separate groups of cages and hopefully keep cages from getting tangled and provide a way to lift groups of cages out without the added weight of the heavy boxes. This discussion dissolved as many members started to leave the meeting.

Meeting was formally adjourned at 2:30pm

These minutes respectfully submitted by Mike deOliveira. They have been paraphrased based on written notes and memory of the discussion points. If I misrepresented anyone or any discussions in these minutes, please feel free to make comments.

Feb 18th 2017 Meeting

A motion was made to amend the IPC Constitution to bring it up to date and increase membership dues. At the Feb 18th meeting not all members in attendance had the opportunity to review the written copy that was sent to club members by mail, so a motion was made by Greg Duffy to postpone voting on the new amendments and seconded by Mike deOliveira. The new amendments will be voted on at the next IPC Meeting held on April 30th.

Officers were voted on for 2017. Current President Noah Shields stated that he must step down as President. Dan Young and Rick Kilgore were nominated for the President seat. By show of hands Rick Kilgore was elected President for 2017 as President. Dan Young maintained his seat as First Vice President. Mike deOliveira maintained the position of Web Site Administrator and Tracy Benson maintained her seat as Secretary and Treasurer.

Meeting dates and locations were decided at the meeting as well and have been posted in the Information tab of the website.

Meeting was adjourned so the show could commence.

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